Heritage Group Homes is fortunate to have a Board of Directors consisting of members of our community who are committed to our mission, and are passionate about sharing their expertise and resources to support our programs.

Cynthia Chavez, Board President
Cynthia is truly a Heritage Group Homes success story. A former L.A County foster youth that lived at our Whittier facility, Cynthia is an example and inspiration to foster youth and the good people who work with them. Through her hard work and determination, Cynthia has accomplished many of her personal and academic goals.
Cynthia knows Heritage Group Homes inside and out! She was placed with us by L.A County DCFS, then went on to college and graduated, returning to work at Heritage as a CCW and therapist. Cynthia’s background and history as a juvenile in the foster care system and her Master’s degree in social work helps the staff and leadership team gain a deeper perspective on what the experience of being in foster care feels like and allows us to gear our
Cynthia is the founder and President of the National Psychology Association and served as President of the RISE Club at CSU. She is pursuing her doctorate degree and working in private practice in Orange County as she serves on the Heritage Group Homes Board on a volunteer basis.
Daisy Anand – Vice President
Daisy is the Chief Financial Officer of an international wholesale supply company, ITC Bearing, that has been in operation for over 50 years with offices in the United States, Hong Kong and Dubai. Daisy was born and raised in Hong Kong and graduated Valedictorian from an elite, competitive high school before moving to Los Angeles and finishing her education with a Bachelors’ Degree in business management and economics.
Daisy has two boys and volunteers with numerous charities and social causes as well as working at her family owned business started by her grandfather back in Hong Kong. Daisy serves on the Board in the capacity of Vice President and is committed to ensuring the vision, mission and core values of the agency is always made a priority with whatever direction or decision we head towards. Daisy is a hands on volunteer and board member at Heritage who participates in our events and enjoys communicating with the youth and attending their graduation banquets, being available via phone to every child and staff as well as random on-site monitoring to ensure high quality service delivery in every area.

Michelle Rosas – Treasurer / Secretary
Michelle started working at a very young age and built a business from the ground up as a self- employed hairstylist and entrepreneur. Michelle knows the value of hard work, perseverance, commitment to a goal and the importance of developing certain qualities and traits necessary to succeed in the world financially, personally and professionally. Michelle is a strong advocate of teaching independent living skills to youth and encouraging vocational education as well as higher learning for youth with college potential. Michelle has worked tirelessly on behalf of the youth entrusted in our care and offered opportunities for them to learn about various career choices, shadow professionals in different fields and enabled many young people to widen their prospects by connecting them with mentors in the community who are doing the type of work these kids dream of being involved with in the future.
Michelle volunteers her time at the group homes as well as being a volunteer board member. She enjoys interacting with the youth, attending agency banquets and being available for any requests for expertise or support, as needed.

Shelly Johnson, LCSW – Emeritus Director
Shelly has served as the President of the Board at Heritage for over 20 years. As a licensed psychotherapist and entrepreneur, Shelly is an expert at non-profit management as well as with the specialized needs of the children that we serve. Shelly is the CEO of a successful business in Newport Beach as well as being active in her community and volunteering for causes aligned with her values and expertise. Shelly has worked in the mental health and social services fields for well over 25 years and is familiar with State, Federal and County compliance regulations governing group home facilities.
Shelly has a special place in her heart for youth who struggle with mental illness, disadvantaged backgrounds and emotional issues as a result of unfortunate circumstances. Her educational and professional background serves to lead the agency in best practices that ensure delivery of high quality, exceptional care and program services in a manner consistent with our mission and vision.